We try to laugh it off whenever we come across a filler in the magazines or newspapers about a couple getting divorced because one of the spouses was snoring. Actually the problem of snoring is more serious. It is not a mere nuisance. Snoring can lead to serious social and health consequences. Increased risk of diabetes, stroke, heart disease and high blood pressures are linked with snoring. The sleeping partner and the snorer both lose their sleep due to snoring. In order to stop the snoring, the snorer might wake up often and this also leads to disturbances in the sleeping pattern of the spouse. During the day, the couples face lack of productivity, irritability and sleepiness due to the disturbed sleep caused by snoring. Snoring can cause one of the spouses to sleep in another room, leading the relationship to go sour. Social and physical intimacies of a couple are also affected by the snoring. The couple becomes unhappy and the snoring partner feels isolated. There are different variations of snoring. Mild snoring can be cured by waking up and turning to the opposite side. If a person continues to snore, despite the changes in sleeping positions, then it […] read more