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November 7, 2023

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Posts tagged "children"

How does Freiberg’s disease affect the foot?

There are numerous causes to get problems inside the ball of the feet. A more uncommon reason could be a problem called Freiberg’s disease or infarction. It is a disorder where the end of a metatarsal bone that’s at the bottom of the toes within the ball of the foot gets less strong and has minuscule fractures. It normally affects the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, though all metatarsal heads might be impacted. It is considered to be resulting from recurring microtrauma on the metatarsals heads that create a local deficiency of blood circulation to the region. These metatarsal bones then come to be weaker and collapses. Freiberg’s disease typically happens in young athletes above about the ages of twelve, and more frequently has an effect on younger females greater than younger boys. The micro trauma appears to come from over stress and particularly in sports activities which entail lots of sprinting, jumping or pivoting over the front foot. Wearing non supportive or non-cushioning shoes could give rise to underlying strain on the metatarsal heads. The standard symptoms include things like increasing pain around the affected metatarsal bone. There’s normally a swelling and slight bruising surrounding the affected area. The […] read more
Views : 245

How to deal with a thumbsucking child

Thumb sucking is a concern many parents have. Toddlers suck their thumbs because it’s comforting and calming. It’s probably something they did before they were born and revert back to it when they are nervous, agitated, scared or ill. They may also use it to lull themselves back to sleep in the middle of the night. Parents shouldn’t concern themselves unless it continues after the age their permanent teeth begin to appear, around six years old. Experts say that it’s the intensity of the thumb sucking and the tongue’s thrust that deforms teeth and makes braces necessary later. Children who rest their thumb passively in their mouth are less likely to have difficulty than children who suck aggressively. If you’re concerned, closely monitor your child and analyze his technique. If they appears to be sucking vigorously, you may want to begin curbing their habit earlier. Punishing or nagging your child to stop won’t help because it’s usually an automatic response. Attempting to curb it by putting an elastic bandage on his thumb or another method will seem like unjust punishment, especially since they indulge in the habit for comfort and security. Try to wait it out. Children usually give up […] read more
Views : 234

Heel Pads for Sever’s Disease

Heel pain is considered the commonest reasons behind pain in the feet. The most typical reason behind pain with the heel in adults is plantar fasciitis and the most commonly encountered reason behind pain in the heel in youngsters is a condition referred to as Sever’s disease. Sever’s disease is the inflammation affecting the growth region at the rear of the heel bone that is especially common in children that are physically active and mainly is painful at the rear of the heel. For the reason that the problem is related to the growth of the bone tissue, the condition vanishes entirely by itself when the growth in that bone has finished. It will be nevertheless, painful and also restrict the activity of the kid so this nonetheless ought to be managed to help that limitation while they will in the end outgrow it. The main factor to address this condition is restricting physical exercise and other activity levels down to an amount where the pain in the calcaneus is managable. It is often hard to get children to abide with this. Another approach is by using heel pads for Severs disease. These Sever’s disease heel inserts can come in […] read more
Views : 375

Dealing With Sever’s Disease

Heel pain in kids can be very common. You will find there’s condition which is painful at the rear of heel bone in kids termed Sever’s disease which numerous children get. This problem is a growth plate issue, therefore for that reason this is an issue that the kid can outgrow ultimately. It is very important understand or know that this isn’t a disease and is a really bad name, but the term is a thing that has stuck therefore it is still widely used. A lot more proper term is calcaneal apophysitis. There exists a growth plate (the apophysis) at the back of the calcaneus bone in the foot in which growth occurs, so the disorder is an injury to this growth zone. Sever’s disease commonly affects kids relating to the ages of about 8-14 years old, with a few occuring outside these ages. Once growth within the heel bone ends about the middle of the teenage life, after that Sever’s disease is no longer a problem or a dilemma. Detecting Sever’s disease is generally easy and it is dependant upon the age of the child along with the signs or symptoms. There is little which can be seen […] read more
Views : 316

How to improve your child’s self-esteem

It’s often been said that children learn what they live. So if you’re looking for a place to start helping your child build positive self esteem and self value, then you should show them your positive sense of self and strong self esteem. Be positive when you speak about yourself and highlight your strengths. This will teach your child that it’s okay to be proud of their talents, skills and abilities. Your child also benefits greatly from honest and positive praise. Find something about them to praise each day. You could even give your child a task you know they can complete and then praise them for a job well done after they’re finished. Show your child that positive acts merit positive praise. When your child’s feeling sad, angry or depressed, communicate openly, honestly and patiently with them. Listen to them without judging or criticizing. They may not fully understand why they feel the way they do, so the opportunity to communicate with you about it may be what’s needed to help them sort through a difficult situation. Suggest positive behaviors and options as solutions, and make sure to leave that door of communication open so they know the next […] read more
Views : 250

Effective Discipline of Children

Disciplining a child is one of the most important, yet difficult, roles of being a parent. Effective discipline teaches a child to be self-disciplined later in life. It helps your child grow up to be happy and well-adjusted. Effective and positive discipline teaches and guides children, and helps them to feel safe, secure, and valued.Discipline should be based on a child’s age, development and temperament. A parent’s goals by disciplining their child is to protect them from danger, to help them learn self-control and self-discipline and to develop a sense of responsibility. Children should be respectful of their parent’s authority. If they’re disciplined harshly or unfairly, especially if it includes shouting or humiliating, will make it difficult if not impossible for a child to respect and trust their parent.Parents must be consistent in their discipline. Discipline that’s not consistent is confusing to children, no matter how old they are. If parents are inconsistent in the way they discipline their children, children may find it hard to respect them. It can also indirectly encourage misbehaving and result in confusion and frustration for the child.Discipline must also be fair. Parents must make sure that the punishment fits the crime and doesn’t punish […] read more
Views : 220

How do diseases get their names?

There’s been a custom in health to name diseases following the medical professional who initially identified or published on that disorder. In some cases the doctor named the condition after themselves that would be looked at relatively egotistic and other occasions it was provided with a physician’s name by their peers in recognition of the success, which may be looked at an honor. Just lately there has been a tendency away from calling disorders after doctors. Many reasons exist for for this trend. These days research is more likely to be conducted by groups rather than individuals working by themselves, therefore it is tricky to credit an ailment to only one person. Occasionally in the past credit for a disorder went for the wrong physician and the disorder might have been explained by another individual prior to when the one which gets the recognition. An illness which is named after a doctor doesn’t refer to the particular pathology or the underpinning biological mechanisms of the disease process which are generally significantly more helpful. As an example, it’s relatively simple to know what diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (or AIDS) as well as whooping cough are simply based on the […] read more
Views : 191

How to deal with a temper tantrum?

Even the best behaved toddler has an occasional temper tantrum. A tantrum can range from whining and crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath holding. They’re equally common in boys and girls and usually occur from age 1 to age 3. Some children may experience regular tantrums, whereas for other children, tantrums may be rare. Some kids are more prone to throwing a temper tantrum than others.Toddlers are trying to master the world and when they aren’t able to accomplish a task, they often use one of the only tools at their disposal for venting frustration – a tantrum. There are several basic causes of tantrums that are familiar to parents everywhere: The child is seeking attention or is tired, hungry, or uncomfortable. In addition, tantrums are often the result of children’s frustration with the world. Frustration is an unavoidable part of kids’ lives as they learn how people, objects, and their own bodies work. Tantrums are common during the second year of life, a time when children are acquiring language. Toddlers generally understand more than they can express. As language skills improve, tantrums tend to decrease.Keep off-limits objects out of sight and out of reach, which will make struggles […] read more
Views : 366

How play encourages a child’s development

We’ve all heard the term, “Oh, that’s child’s play.” It implies something is easy, frivolous and unimportant in the overall scheme of things. But to a child, child’s play is essential to their mental, social, emotional, and physical development.We all know that children like to play. But what we may not know is the importance of play in a child’s life. Play is essential to every area of a child’s growth and development.Play provides a means for energy to be put to use. It strengthens and refines small and large motor skills, and it builds stamina and strength. Sensory learning develops mostly through play. Play is significant to physical development in that without it the body could not grow and develop normally. Children possess a natural curiosity. They, explore, learn and make sense out of their environment by playing. Parents and educators alike can support this learning activity by ensuring age-appropriate toys, materials and environments are available to the child.Play enables children to know things about the world and to discover information essential to learning. Through play children learn basic concepts such as colors, counting, how to build things, and how to solve problems. Thinking and reasoning skills are at […] read more
Views : 192

Hobbies are Healthy for Children

Hobbies benefit children in many ways. It gives a child an opportunity to express themselves, and it allows them to discover themselves and build self-esteem. They are also great educational tools. A child interested in rock collecting learns about geology and science, and a child in writing stories learns about sentence structure and proper grammar. Hobbies teach children to set and achieve goals, solve problems and make decisions. They can also set the course for what your child becomes later in life as they often turn into lifelong interests or careers.Children who have hobbies are usually following in their parents footsteps, so set a good example by pursuing your own hobby. Your child will need space for their hobby, so find an area designated specifically for his hobby so he can work on it. Realize that hobbies can sometimes be quite messy, so be at the ready for messes as they come with the territory. Be available to your child to provide guidance, support and encouragement. This is a great time to teach your child strong work habits, such as following directions closely, setting goals, and proper planning and organization. Show them that nothing worthwhile is ever easy, especially when […] read more
Views : 255