For those of you taking marketing classes, I am sure you are all very familiar with the 4 P’s of marketing. They are Products, Place (Distribution), Promotion and Price. When you are marketing your website, you need to be aware of this four P. This four P helps you market your site effectively, just like when you are opening a retail store. Product. What is your site’s product or service? Are you selling services, tangible goods or both? Are you giving out free service to turn your customers to buy your products? or vice versa. Are you giving both free service and products to drive visitors which will drive your advertising revenue? Whatever you do, it is crucial to know your products so that you won’t forget why you do all the promotion. Place. This is the distribution channel of your products or services. If you are giving out free contents, make sure you distribute it well. If you merely post your content on your site, you are not using maximum distribution. Furthermore, if you are using unrelated forum or submission service to distribute your content, then you are wasting time. For example if you are distributing content about how […]
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