Corns are really a common problem on the feet and there’s only one method of getting rid of corns permanently and that’s to eliminate the reason for corns. Corn removal pads do not get rid of them. Corns don’t have roots that they can re-grow from after removing the hard skin. Corns are nothing greater than a normal response from the skin should there be pressure over an area. An illustration is the hard skin that you might build on your hands when you chop a lot of timber – this is a natural process which the skin works by using to defend itself. What happens with a corn is what is creating the excessive pressure remains, therefore the thickness of your skin just get thicker. When the pressure is over a smaller location, particularly on a toe, then that painful hard skin is called a corn. Naturally, when you cease chopping wood, the thickened skin halts developing and goes away completely. If the pressure that is causing a corn isn’t gotten rid of, it’s going to carry on growing and be far more painful. Eventually the skin might breakdown as a result and an infection can occur. While using […]
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